Payment is made at the end of this registration process online. If payment is not made, your registration WILL NOT be valid.
If applying for an Academic Excellence Scholarship:
Please complete the Edutest application and exam registration online as outlined on the Academic Excellence Scholarship Fact Sheet.
If applying for a Music / Academic Excellence Scholarship:
Admissions will email you a link to the online Music/ Academic Excellence Scholarship application form once you have registered for the Edutest Exam as outlined on the Music/ Academic Excellence Scholarship Fact Sheet.
If applying for a Principal's Scholarship for Service:
Admissions will email you a link to the online ‘Principal’s Scholarship for Service’ application form once you have registered for the Edutest Exam as outlined on the Principal’s Scholarship for Service Fact Sheet.
If applying for a Means Tested Scholarship:
Means Tested Scholarships are only available to students applying for entry to Years 7 - 11 in 2026. Please also complete the ‘Confidential Statement of Financial Circumstances Form’ available from the Admissions Office and return with supporting documents to the Finance Manager as outlined on the Means Tested Scholarship Fact Sheet.
Remote testing applicants: Contact immediately upon completing your registration. Depending on personal circumstances and location, remote testing arrangements can take several weeks to organise. Early contact with Edutest is strongly advised. Additional fees apply for remote testing.
Camberwell Girls Grammar School (CGGS) complies with Commonwealth Privacy Act and Australian Privacy Principles. Information collected is only used for the purpose for which it is collected. CGGS is committed to child safety.